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基础医学生命科学高级专家Professor Jonathan L. Heeney

2015-3-17 11:03| 发布者: admin| 查看: 4126| 评论: 0

摘要: Professor Jonathan L. Heeney,University of Cambridge, UK. 审稿及编辑方向: 基础医学,生命科学,免疫学. PhD (probationary) in Veterinary Science, Laboratory of Viral Zoonotics. University of Cambridge, ...

Professor Jonathan L. Heeney

 2014-Present PhD (probationary) in Veterinary Science, Laboratory of Viral Zoonotics. University of Cambridge, UK
 2012-2014 M.Phil in Biological Anthropological Science: “A Novel, Non-Invasive Method of Immune Monitoring in Wild Primate Populations: Insights into Stress Physiology from Herpes Virus Quantification in Faeces of the Western Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla).” University of Cambridge, UK
 2009-2012 B.A. (Hons., 1st Class), Archaeology & Anthropology Tripos, Biological Anthropology. University of Cambridge, UK
 2008-2009:  One-year liberal arts undergraduate study. Amherst College, US
 Infection and Immunity
 My interests lie in the interface of stress, particularly anthropogenic stresses on wildlife, immune function, health and infectious disease risk, and the effects of this dynamic exchange on wildlife conservation and on the potential for zoonotic and anthroponotic transmission. Zoonotic disease presents a profound threat to endangered non-human primates, like gorillas and chimpanzees, as well as to humans. It is important to obtain baseline knowledge of the ape microbiome and virome as well as how stressors such as habitat loss, close human proximity and interaction and bushmeat hunting affect the baseline composition and diversity of bacteria and viruses in their host. The development of reliable, non-invasive monitoring methods is crucial to the study of health and disease in wild primate populations and a secondary aim of this work is to establish meaningful measures of immune function and host health from non-invasive samples such as faeces.





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